Deposit Invoice
After activating and configuring the module, you can navigate to the estimate and click on the "Convert to Invoice" button group. You will then see the "Convert to deposit invoice" option. Click on this option to create a split deposit.
A deposit invoice requires a minimum of 2 splits and can be split up to the limit set in the configuration. The first payment will be marked as unpaid, while subsequent payments will be marked as "Draft" and linked as child invoices to the first invoice.
Nice workflow by back linking to the respective sales item.
Items customization
Additionally, the module provides the ability to add item title rows for major items in the system, such as estimates, invoices, delivery notes, and purchase orders. These title rows enhance your invoices by allowing you to group items in the table and PDF. Item title rows can be rearranged through simple drag and drop functionality.
Another important feature of the module is the ability to control visible columns on the client side. This feature allows you to select which columns should be hidden on the item table and PDF, such as estimates, invoices, and proposals. We have also included a user-friendly method for styling the title row to ensure seamless integration with your brand.