After activating the module, you will see the 'Page builder' option on the admin menu
Below is the screenshot of what it looks like:
The pages can be edited with either VvvebJs builder or GrapeJs
NOTE: For either of the builder, script is allowed and you are responsible to ensure your content comes from trusted sources only.
VvvebJs Builder
GrapesJs Builder
Page Settings, SEO and Landing page
Any of the pages can be set as a landing page. To set a page as landing page, click on the "pencil icon" close to the page, you will be show a modal, kindly set "Set as landing page" to "Yes" and submit.
Fill other details for customizing the SEO meta tags.
You can also provide custom codes (css and js i.e analytics tags e.t.c) through the page edit modal.
Page Rendering Layout
The page can be rendered either using bootstrap or vanilla (plain without adding bootstrap/jquery)
If your have imported a theme with bootstrap, you might want to choose 'Vanilla' for rendering otherwise, you might want to choose the bootstrap.
If you are using Vvvebjs builder, you most likely will need to choose bootstrap rendering.
Importing Theme
Page link and alt links
The page link can be taken by clicking on the "View page" button on the builder interface. Pages created are typically HTML files, however, you can access them in more fancy way:
Without the .html extension: assuming you have created a page i.e "about.html", you can access this page by following or
Folder access without specify the index file: If you have created a page with folder i.e "/blog/index.html", you can access this page by following or as alternative link
Kindly see above illustration video.
Leads and form capturing
The builder is robust enough to allow integration with existing Web to lead feature of Perfex CRM or creating a new form and send to your desired endpoint.
See below video for sample web to lead form integration through the builder: