Nearly all public text used through the module are translated, however, we understand that our translation might not be perfect for your need. In such case all you need to do is customize the translations as documented by Perfex CRM here:
Translating Packages Module List #
Each module show the menu in client portal using translation. However, this case is different. We are displaying names of the module and there is no any means of getting the right translation keys for each module. The original module name are gotten from the core module form the module page list and this is not translatable. Thus we have provided an interface for customizing the name of each module from SaaS > Settings > Module & Marketplace.
However, from v0.2.5, we translate the module name entirely, thus, you can make a custom translation of each of the module name to ensure they are translated to each client language i.e make custom translation of the module name for each language. For ‘Affiliate Management’
you want to add
$lang['Affiliate Management’] = '会员管理’;
to the custom chinese translation file.
Please see this link for more info about translation in Perfex CRM
You can get the right name of the module from the module list page.
Translating the Custom Domain Guide #
The custom domain DSN guide can be managed from SaaS > Settings > Miscellaneous. However, we understand you might want to localize the content in each client language particularly when your client are from different origin having different language.
In such case all you need to do is create an entry for perfex_saas_custom_domain_guide_option in each custom language file with value being the translated copy of the DNS guide. You can copy the provide guide and translate it.
$lang['perfex_saas_custom_domain_guide_option'] = 'TRANSLATED_GUIDE';
Replace ‘TRANSLATED_GUIDE’ with the translated copy of the DNS guide. Ensure the value is escaped (single or double quotes) to prevent any error.