Data for a new tenant provisioning can come from your main CRM (master instance) or from other particular selected instance or from the default Perfex CRM SQL files (expandable see below). Tenant seed settings can be managed from ‘SaaS > Settings > Tenant Seed (tab)’ for the whole system and individual packages.
Master CRM for Seeding #
When using master instance, general settings are copied by default with exclusion of some settings classified as secret during instance provision (i.e when creating a tenant CRM). Base on the default installation of Perfex, we do not copy over payment gateways ID’s, secrets or other sensitive information. We have expose an interface in ‘SaaS > Settings > Tenant Seed’ where you can further extend the list of sensitive information that should not be copied for tenant during instance provision.
These seeding option allowing checking numbers of other tables data (aside settings) to be copied over to the tenant. Important tables are selected by default.
If you come accross any sensitive information copied over to the tenant, while you are not sharing such information, kindly reachout to us through
Tenant Instance for Seeding #
This option allow you to configure a specific instance for provisioning other tenants.
When using a dedicated instance for seeding, in such scenario all setting are copied over to the new tenants from the seed instance and its important you configure the seed instance to contain only data that can be shared with other tenants as all data on the instance might be shared.
These seeding option also expose interface allowing checking numbers of other tables data to be copied over to the tenant. Important tables are selected by default.
Tenant Instance for seeding at package level (package snapshot) #
You can configure each package for a tenant instance to serve as a blueprint. To do this, navigate to SaaS > Packages and select the package you wish to edit. After selecting the package, scroll down to the Advanced Settings section. There, you’ll find an option to select the tenant that will be used for seeding the package.
Once configured, all users who sign up for that package will have a CRM based on the selected tenant blueprint. This feature is particularly useful for provisioning CRMs tailored to specific niches or use cases.

For easy management of your blueprint or snapshots, you can create a dedicated customer and private packages where you create and manage all the instances used for snapshot or tenant seeding.
Default SQL files #
Tenants will be seeded using the SQL files inside this folder : modules/saas/migrations/default_seeds/ . We include latest version of the Perfex CRM installation SQL file in this folder by default. Add your sql file(s) to the folder to extend seedings, only INSERT statements will however be considered for the seeding.
NOTE: Regardless of the seeding option choosen, the master table structure is used as the blueprint for the tenants.